projects > miniature clothing project

collection of Sara Lavner, New York NY

I’m a girl from Brooklyn, New York and I grew up with a father who was a foreman in a Glitter Factory and also a man who gambled away a great deal of his salary. I never wanted for food but I had few books, toys or clothes. My brother who was 20 years older than me married Wilma, a German girl who had grown up in Germany and was part of Hitler’s youth. She was a little scary at times but she loved making and buying me gifts, usually clothing. This was so new for me and I loved it. When I was eleven years old and graduating from 6th grade there was a Prom. Alvin, a very handsome 11 year old invited me to be his date, but I had no special dress. Wilma offered to take me to Forest Hills to a very “swanky” dress shop and buy me a new dress. This is a copy of the most extraordinary dress that she bought for me. It was the lovliest dress at the Prom and something made me save it in special paper for 63 years. When I met Jon Coffelt, who told me how he recreated in miniature people’s clothing that were very meaningful to them, I knew something special was about to happen. That was the moment that I realized why I had kept the dress. I gave it to Jon and this is the wonderful piece of art that he has created from that precious dress. Thank you Jon. Sara Lavner

Fabric, thread, button
8.5 x 6”